Hi from the solitude of the Little Brown Cabin. That’s the way I see it, anyway. You say “But it’s the holidays. A time to be with friends and family, not locked away somewhere.” I’m blessed with wonderful people in my life and love spending time with them all year ‘round. By the time you read this, we’ve had our gift sharing time and stuffed ourselves at the dinner table.
You see, time spent in the corner of my mind that is this Little Brown Cabin, is time with words no matter what surrounds me in the real world. When I pass through the door, I’m immersed in a different love and togetherness. This is the place creativity flows and writing takes place.
Never fear, I’m not alone here. Books of all kinds surround me. Some I’ve read and others call to me from the ‘next up’ list. Their themes, protagonists, surprise endings, and colorful dust jackets speak and fill me with energy to complete that next chapter, or a short story to share with anxious readers.

Old, dusty books are my favorites. I take one from the shelf time and again to begin a fondly remembered journey. The words haven’t changed over the years, but something new comes to mind with each reading. I suppose I shouldn’t keep them year after year. I could share them in my Free Little Library across the street. Someone else would get to know the characters and pass them on again.
I would miss them. It would be like tossing aside an old friend.
For me, solitude and creativity go hand in hand. I hope in the new year you find that place of solitude within you that gives you love, peace, and boundless creativity.
I love sharing my Little Brown Cabin with you and will see you back here on January 5, 2023. Follow me on Facebook at Gency Brown Author, where I announce new blogs and other happenings in my writing journey.
Thanks for stopping by.