
Dec 15, 2022 by Gency Brown

As I spend more time by the fire here at the cabin on these wintery days, I sometimes look for activities beyond writing and reading. Podcasts. Do you have a favorite? One of the first I tried years ago is The Moth, which I learned about on The Moth Radio Hour on NPR. An eclectic array of people telling stories. Simply sharing their take on something they care about. It seems there is a podcast for every subject out there. Cooking, music, religion, automobiles, travel, research, politics, children, movies, and let’s not forget the written word. A lot of information is packed into a few minutes to an hour.

Podcasts hold a growing place of importance in the publishing world. You can utilize these electronic presentations to promote books, authors, the writing process, and more. Nobody can tell the story of your writing journey and latest novel like you can. Your voice going out over the airwaves gives a little peek into who the author really is. Sometimes that personal touch will spark interest in your work, a trip to the library, or maybe even a sale at a local bookstore. You can search out ones you like and contact them for a time you can be their on-air guest. Most are done from your home, no travel required.

Some I enjoy are:

Rendezvous With A Writer-These are recordings of a radio show on LA Talk Radio with Jim and Bobbi Jean Bell on Thursday nights. Fifty minutes of live interviews with authors and others in the industry.

The Okie Podcast with Jay Hall-Its focus is Oklahoma authors but will include others at times.

Grammar Girl-Host Mignon Fogarty takes us through the ins and outs of how to say it in written form.

Publish Her-Alexa Bigwarfe directs the Women In Publishing Summit (March 1-4-2023) and uses this vehicle to share wonderful conference-quality information on writing and publishing all year.

The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt-Andrew J. Chamberlin. Each episode explores an aspect of creative writing technique.

It’s not about a great expenditure of your time to listen, but here’s an idea. How about you start your own podcast? If you have comfortable tech knowledge, you can do it. Ask around or many writing conferences now offer workshops on this timely topic. Get out there and listen, learn, and share about writing.

Thanks for coming to the cabin today. I’ll see you again on December 29, 2022. Or, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where I will announce the next blog and share happenings. Visit my website at gencybrown.com where you can sign up for my email list or leave your comments