Exciting News

Aug 17, 2023 by Gency Brown

Exciting news. I received the release date for my debut novel, A Right Fine Life. January 3rd 2024 it will be available at all the usual outlets in print and e-book form. Presale will begin sometime in December. I’ll let you know later about that.

You say, “Now you can kick back and relax. It’s finished.” Oh my. I wish. This is the time the real marketing and promotion begin. I feel fortunate that my favorite book store in Albuquerque, Books On The Bosque, has asked me to do my book launch party at their location. That will be 2pm Saturday January 6, 2024. All are invited.

On January 11, 2024 at 6pm PST I’ll be with my good friends Jim and Bobbi Jean Bell on their live podcast, Rendezvous With A Writer, carried weekly on LA Talk Radio. They are great supporters of authors in all genres. I expect some fun and laughter as we share my book with listeners. Tune In.

With the cost of travel these days, I think podcasts and other online outlets will be my friends as I get my book out to readers. It’s true that even most traditional publishers don’t do much in the way of marketing after the book is published. However, I’m lucky to be with The Wild Rose Press who doesn’t stop with simply getting my book with major distributors around the world, they do all they can to help their authors be successful. From a printed guide on how to promote which includes many useful resources, we have daily and weekly networking sessions and workshops. They are in it for the long haul. It’s quite a group.

Yes, a book is a lot of work. The writing took how long? Months? Years. Then you want to keep your baby alive and travelling the world as long as you can. It’s like when I retired, I took on another job. Except this job I enjoy.

I have a second novel in the works and almost at completed first draft stage. Then comes beta readers, editing and rewrites. Of course, there’s always the nervous submission to my publisher. Will they like and want this one? You never know so you just keep trying. That’s the thing. If you’re a writer, your keen powers of observation and ears perked for an idea keep you starting the next one. There’s always a new idea.

I’ll finish with another bit of excitement. I’m thrilled that one of my short stories has been accepted for publication in ABQ In Print. This is a prestigious magazine created here in Albuquerque featuring New Mexico writers.  I’ll post when it hits the shelves later this year.

I guess that’s all the shameless bragging for this episode. I should take a moment to thank all that have supported my writing. That includes you blog readers. Your comments and encouragement have meant a lot. Just look what we’ve accomplished.

Visit The Little Brown Cabin again soon. Sign up for my email from the website gencybrown.com to know when the next blog is available. Or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.